November 2020

November Lockdown Rules

OK – so here we go again but within the Sports Therapy industry we have good news and bad news! Therapists such as myself qualified at Level 4&5 (degree equivalent), are still able to treat but this is absolutely not business as usual. Just some of the conditions are listed below so it’s really on a case-by-case basis.

  • Face to Face appointments and treatments may be deemed necessary if they

October 2020

Quit talking and do…!

“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing” Walt Disney

I saw this quote today and thought it’s important to pick up because in this online age, as I have blogged about before, we are even more style over substance. We talk about our “goals” and advertisers continue to bombard us with “aspirational” images to sell us their products we didn’t think we needed until we felt

August 2020

Pelvic & other female-centric pain…it’s still ignored.

Once again I am truly shocked about how dismissive some so-called health care professionals can be when it comes to persistent pelvic pain, particularly in women. I have experienced this myself when constantly asked “does it get worse around your period?” and when you say yes, then there’s a not so subtle eye roll and some sort of insinuation that you should just get on with things. I

Dealing with post-trauma

Mayfields Lavender Farm, August 2020

So I’ll start by saying I don’t actually have experience with diagnosed PTSD in my line of work, but I do have experience to share and it may resonate with those of you who have had a traumatic medical issue or event.

2 years ago, I had a procedure that

July 2020

The 10 Keys for Happier Living

During the mental health course I took with Applause for Thought recently we looked over these points and I thought it was really interesting. Obviously our lives contain so much more that 10 points but with the recent upheaval in the world and all the stress and worry caused, we need to do everything we can to counter it!

I’m delighted to be able to

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