May 2020

Osteoporosis Awareness

Did you know that as many as 50% of women and 25% of men over the age of 50 will fracture a bone due to osteoporosis? May is #osteoporpsisawarenessmonth so before we get to the end I just had to draw our attention to these quite shocking figures! 🦴👀🦴

As a Pilates teacher I work with several clients who have been diagnosed with varying degrees of

The language of rehabilitation…


What do I mean by that? Well, are you, or your therapist/instructor using limiting language? For example, something I hear in class regularly is “that’s too much for my back” or “I can’t do that because….”. On the surface that may seem like an innocuous and even sensible thing to consider, but is it true?

I would argue that NO exercise is “too much for

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