October 2024

Why I like my scars…

Those of you that know me know I’m really not one of those eternally positive people so this may sound a strange thing for me to post about, you may also remember my goth-phase and my ongoing love for heavy metal so, on that front, it may not sound strange at all but here’s why I’m never concerned about having a visible surgery scar.

As someone who has struggled with a

April 2023

Exercise does not cure pain, opiates work really well…

…and other things your doctor has absolutely no clue about.

So, I haven’t blogged in a while and frankly I’m utterly bored of social media seeing the same Twitter fights and the same insta-posts of the same people doing/saying the same things over and over like a hellish physio Groundhog Day. Honestly, if there is an afterlife, the ‘bad area’ will be populated by Physio-bros arguing over the BPS

June 2021

PHYSIO ONLY GETS YOU SO FAR in chronic conditions, manual therapy is awesome…

So I’m fully prepared for a fall out on this one but bare with me because it is personal. In the 9 years it took to get a diagnosis on AS (ankylosing spondylitis) I have seen 3 physios (plus lots of other professionals). 1 local NHS (ordered an x-ray, never touched me), 1 private (mix of assessment, exercise modifications and manual treatment) and 1 from the hospital (only talk). Guess

May 2021

WORDS MATTER…the language you use and the claims you make are more important than ever.

WORDS MATTER…the language you use and the claims you make are more important than ever. With the internet at our fingertips, there is a wealth of information available BUT also misinformation.

So I’m not going to talk about the obvious anti-vax propaganda here but actually in more simple terms, with claims about the body and exercise. When we talk to colleagues or clients we need to think first; what are we

February 2021


… and other ways the medical field is skewed against women. It needs to change.

In a previous blog I spoke about how female complaints of pain are really not taken seriously, still, now! I have rarely been to a doctors appointment prior to my diagnosis without the insinuation it’s “just period-related” when there doesn’t seem to be an obvious answer – as if that’s something we should just put

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