May 2020


How are yours, have you checked in lately? Do you have a clear idea as what is sensible and acceptable to you, or are you constantly feeling invaded? I’m speaking to a number of people suffering the newest of modern struggles, “Zoom-fatigue”, and, although some folk have welcomed working from home, have you found that working hours have been blurred as you are now be expected to be

Osteoporosis Awareness

Did you know that as many as 50% of women and 25% of men over the age of 50 will fracture a bone due to osteoporosis? May is #osteoporpsisawarenessmonth so before we get to the end I just had to draw our attention to these quite shocking figures! 🦴👀🦴

As a Pilates teacher I work with several clients who have been diagnosed with varying degrees of

Mental Health First Aid

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Pic taken February 2020, Siem Reap, Cambodia

MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS… so last week was #mentalhealthawarenessweek and it is something that I mention openly in my posts. I was also made aware, through the magic of social media, of the Applause For Thought organisation who advocate for this issue particularly within the arts. So I’m signed up for their

5 types of headache…

HEADACHES & MIGRAINE… so who suffers regularly? And do you know which sort of headache you are afflicted with? Did you even know there were categories? What can we do to avoid them?

Sadly, we just don’t know why many people suffer, often no physical or underlying neurological cause can be found, they just happen. Regular sufferers often know

Would you donate yourself to science?

Dead people receive more flowers than living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude” Anne Frank

At the beginning of the utterly fascinating dissection webinars I have been following, we start the talk by being reminded that some amazing people have donated their bodies for the purpose of this clinical study. Many people are registered organ donors (personally I am in favour of an opt OUT system rather than having to opt

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